Please send checks to Savant Records address and make checks payable to A Flock Of Seagulls. As to shipping cost and Florida tax please check previous info letters or call Savant, but Mike will not be answering the phone because he'll be on tour with the rest of the Flock. As for old C.D.s and vinyl etc. check out a magazine by the name of Gold Mine they often have different Flock items for sale. They are not cheap so beware. Also try Vintage Emporium my local record store at (607) 565-2190 If you still can't find what you are searching for let me know I have a huge file of Flock store address that sell all the really old stuff some of these stores are very expensive. I will be with A Flock Of Seagulls for a show or two in the month of June so I should have some good stories for you all in the next info letter. I do not plan on another info letter until late August I need time to reorganize here at Flock Fan Headquarters. Please send mail to the guys and if it is personal for Dean,Ed,Mike or John just write on the outside and I will send it directly to their home unopened. E-Mail me as often as you like I do answer all questions in a few days. This is something that no other band has! That is why this fan organization is different than any other. We all care about the fans from me at the bottom of the ladder to the top which is Mike Score of course. Send me your request as to what you would like me to focus on for the August info letter. I expect to have an update on the success of the "Rainfall" tour. I also ran out of room for the information on the new addition to A Flock Of Seagulls John Walker the new drummer. He will be the main topic in the next issue I promise. A big thanks go out to the following: Mike Score, Ed, Dean, John, Ken Wilkerson, Laura Moranz and Scott Hungarter who is operating the Official Flock Of Seagulls web page. Oh yea Barb my wife who has put up with a lot these past few years, we did name our daughter Aurora for the song "I Ran." Send in your request for what tunes that you want to hear live in the future. I will ask Mike to consider adding them to a future set list. Errata from the last issue is as follows: Savant's E-Mail address was spelled wrong it is nebula. Web site address also should have 'AFOS.html' after all of the other computer jargon. So check out the Flock at a club, let them know that you receive this info letter. Tell Mike to increase my wages, ha ha just kidding. Seriously go see them even if it is an hour or two drive you will not be disappointed. Thank you , A Flock Of Seagulls and Bill Molyneaux P.S. I stated that preveously, Mike doesn't edit the info letter, well he did this one. |
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